Period End Closing Procedures

Period End Closing Procedures


The information below provides guidelines for period end closing. There are three sections:

Periodic Inventory Method

Perpetual Inventory Method - Standard Costing

Perpetual Inventory Method - Actual Costing


Steps to perform prior to Period-End of the current period:

Open the next Period’s GL and Inventory

Go to G/L Chart of Accounts -> Options -> Define G/L Periods, and change the G/L, A/P, and A/R

status to "OPEN" for the subsequent period in order to allow posting to the general ledger.

Set the Inventory Status to null if it had been ‘Closed’ when first creating the fiscal year.

Note: These are general recommendations, practices may vary depending on each individual




GL Period Status

Set the Inventory Status to ‘Closed’ when inventory transactions should no longer be posted to the

period that is being finalized.

Go to System Set-upàSystem ParametersàG/L Set-upàDefine G/L Periodsàchange INV Status

to "CLOSED" so that nothing further can be posted to the period.


When a user attempts to post an inventory transaction with a transaction date that falls within a period

with a closed inventory status the system will prevent the user from posting that transaction and will

surface a message indicating that the inventory status is closed.

This is an example of a receiving transaction with a transaction date of 10/31/14. This falls within GL

period 10 with a Start Date of 10/1/2014 and an End Date of 10/31/14.



Print the Trial Balance report for the period as a starting point or checklist for reconciling various G/L

accounts. The Trial Balance report may be printed again later after all adjustments have been entered

and the period has been closed.

Go to GLàTrial BalanceàReports menu-Print and choose the preferred trial balance report to print.

Accounts Payable

Ensure that all Accounts Payable related items for the period have been entered and posted.

Purchase Order Receipts - Verify all purchase order receiving has been done for the period. This

is helpful in the event that a receipt was missed and the Inventory Status needs to be reopened to

post the receipt. Utilize a report such as ‘PO Backlog By PO Number’ located in the Purchase

Orders Reports Menu

AP Invoices - Confirm that all vendor invoices for the period have been entered and posted.

Receipts Awaiting Invoicing - Run an accrued receipts report located within the AP

Invoices Reports menu. There are reports that begin with ‘Accrued Receipts As Of’ that will

show any outstanding receipts that still need to be invoiced based on the date entered by

the user. Review the report catalog for the report to ensure the correct report is being run

based on the invoicing and inventory parameters enabled. For example, the ‘Accrued

Receipts As Of’ reports can only be run if the user creating the invoice has the invoice

parameter selected called "AP. Inv. from PO: Enable selection by receipts only.’

Security should be placed at the user level to ensure the user does not toggle the parameter off and on.

 Debit Memos- Confirm that all debit memos received for the period have been generated and

posted. Returns to the vendor may have been generated through the Vendor RMA module or

through the PO Receiving module as Rejects. Vendor returns pending debit memos will be included

on the accrued receipts reports.

Cash Disbursements – Confirm that all manual checks and pending payments have been entered

and posted within the cash disbursement screen.

Accounts Payable Aging Report - Run an aging report that is located within the AP Invoices

reports menu. A report such as ‘Accounts Payable Aging – Any Period’ should balance to the

corresponding accounts payable GL account.

Close the AP Status - Go to G/L-> Chart of Accounts -> Options -> Define G/L Periods and set

the A/P Status to "Closed" so that nothing further can be posted to the period.

Accounts Receivable

Ensure that all Accounts Receivable related items for the period have been entered and posted:

Pack Slips and Pick Tickets - Verify all pick tickets and pack slips are posted for the period. This

is helpful in the event that a shipment was physically shipped but not entered into the system

which would require that the Inventory Status be reopened to post the pick ticket. If the pick ticket

parameter called ‘Verify Inventory before relieving’ is enabled then ensure that all pack slips have

been verified as this is the function that relieves the inventory from the on hand totals. Utilize a

backlog report such as ‘Open Order Backlog - by Customer’ that can be found within the Sales

Orders Reports Menu.

AR Invoices - Confirm that all customer invoices for the period have been entered and posted.

Shipments Pending Invoicing - Run the ‘Shipments Pending Invoicing at Standard Cost’

report to make sure that all items for which packing slips have been issued have been

invoiced. This report can be found in the AR Invoices Reports Menu. 

Credit Memos – Confirm that all credit memos for the period generated and posted. Refer to the

report called ‘RMA’s Pending Credit Memo’ found in the AR Invoices Reports Menu.

Cash Receipts – Confirm that all adjustments and cash receipts have been entered and posted

within the cash receipts screen.

Accounts Receivable Aging Report - Run an aging report that is located within the AR Invoices

reports menu. A report such as ‘Accounts Receivable Aging – Any Period’ should balance to the

corresponding accounts receivable GL account.

Close the AR Status - Go to G/L Chart of Accounts -> Options -> Define G/L Periods and set the

A/R Status to "Closed" so that nothing further can be posted to the period.


Production - Ensure that all production reports for the period have been entered and all

dispositions are completed.

Inventory - Enter and post any other items that may affect inventory balances.

Inventory Reports- Run the report called ‘Inventory Value At Cost By GL Account As Of By

Transaction Date’. This report can be found in the Inventory Reports Menu. This is just a

recommendation, however, there are many inventory reports to choose from. Assembly (AssyX)

manufactures can also run the report called ‘Assembly Work Order WIP Analysis’ to gather WIP

Process GL Account balances.

Cost of Goods Sold - Run a purchase report to construct cost of goods sold for period end.

Within AP-View Posted Invoices- there is a report called ‘Accounts Payable Distribution By Period.’

GL Inventory and COGS Adjustments - Make any necessary Inventory and COGS adjustments to

the GL.


Go to GLàBank Reconciliation and reconcile all bank accounts if the bank statement cut off is at periodend.

If the bank statement end date is not at period end then adjusting entries can still be posted if

known at this time due to online banking capabilities.


Make sure that all General Journal entries have been posted for the period. Confirm there are no pending

GJ entries including reversing and recurring journal entries.

Go to System Set-up, System Parameters, G/L Set-up, Define G/L Periods, and change G/L Status to

"CLOSED" so that nothing further can be posted to the period.

Run a final Trial Balance report and check all general ledger transactions to ensure that these have been

posted to the correct G/L accounts.


Financial statements can be run through GL – Financial Reports or though EIQ Spreadsheet Server

When running the Income Statement from within the EIQ Financial Reports Menu, in order to get the

Gross Profit calculated on the stock reports the system is looking for an ‘Account Type’ of Cost of Goods

Sold. Any subaccount types of that account type will be included in the total Cost of Goods Sold

calculation and it will be subtracted from the Revenue accounts to determine the Gross Profit. The Cost of

Goods Sold account type is not necessary when building financials from EIQ Spreadsheet Server.

When running the Balance Sheet from within the EIQ Financial Reports Menu the system automatically

pulls the Current Earnings from the Net Income calculated by the system.



Steps to perform prior to Period-End of the current period:

Open the next Period’s GL and Inventory

Go to G/L Chart of Accounts -> Options -> Define G/L Periods, and change the G/L, A/P, and A/R

status to "OPEN" for the subsequent period in order to allow posting to the general ledger.

Set the Inventory Status to null if it had been ‘Closed’ when first creating the fiscal year.



GL Period Status

Set the Inventory Status to ‘Closed’ when inventory transactions should no longer be posted to the period

that is being finalized.

Go to System Set-upàSystem ParametersàG/L Set-upàDefine G/L Periodsàchange INV Status to

"CLOSED" so that nothing further can be posted to the period.

When a user attempts to post an inventory transaction with a transaction date that falls within a period

with a closed inventory status the system will prevent the user from posting that transaction and will

surface a message indicating that the inventory status is closed.

This is an example of a receiving transaction with a transaction date of 10/31/14. This falls within GL

period 10 with a Start Date of 10/1/2014 and an End Date of 10/31/14.



Print the Trial Balance report for the period as a starting point or checklist for reconciling various G/L

accounts. The Trial Balance report may be printed again later after all adjustments have been entered

and the period has been closed.

Go to GLàTrial BalanceàReports menu-Print and choose the preferred trial balance report to print.


Ensure that all Accounts Payable related items for the period have been entered and posted.

Purchase Order Receipts - Verify all purchase order receiving has been done for the period. This

is helpful in the event that a receipt was missed and the Inventory Status needs to be reopened to

post the receipt. Utilize a report such as ‘PO Backlog By PO Number’ located in the Purchase


AP Invoices - Confirm that all vendor invoices for the period have been entered and posted.

Receipts Awaiting Invoicing - Run an accrued receipts report located within the AP

Invoices Reports menu. There are reports that begin with ‘Accrued Receipts As Of’ that will

show any outstanding receipts that still need to be invoiced based on the date entered by 

the user. The grand total on this report should tie out to the Accrued Receipts GL account

when using a perpetual inventory method. Review the report catalog for the report to

ensure the correct report is being run based on the invoicing and inventory parameters

enabled. For example, the ‘Accrued Receipts As Of’ reports can only be run if the user

creating the invoice has the invoice parameter selected called "AP. Inv. from PO: Enable

selection by receipts only.’

Security should be placed at the user level to ensure the user does not toggle the parameter off and on.

Here are some other examples of reports that should be used for different parameters: The report called

‘Accrued Receipts At Purchase Price For The Period Ending’ should be used when the Inventory

Parameter called Realize PPV at time of Receipts is enabled, and the report called ‘Accrued Receipts For

the Period Ending’ includes the totals with standard costs and should be use when ‘Realize PPV at time of receipt’ is not enabled.

Debit Memos- Confirm that all debit memos received for the period have been generated and

posted. Returns to the vendor may have been generated through the Vendor RMA module or

through the PO Receiving module as Rejects. Vendor returns pending debit memos will be included

on the accrued receipts reports.

Cash Disbursements – Confirm that all manual checks and pending payments have been entered

and posted within the cash disbursement screen.

Accounts Payable Aging Report - Run an aging report that is located within the AP Invoices 

reports menu. A report such as ‘Accounts Payable Aging – Any Period’ should balance to the

corresponding accounts payable GL account.

Close the AP Status - Go to G/L-> Chart of Accounts -> Options -> Define G/L Periods and set

the A/P Status to "Closed" so that nothing further can be posted to the period.


Ensure that all Accounts Receivable related items for the period have been entered and posted:

Pack Slips and Pick Tickets - Verify all pick tickets and pack slips are posted for the period. This

is helpful in the event that a shipment was physically shipped but not entered into the system

which would require that the Inventory Status be reopened to post the pick ticket. If the pick ticket

parameter called ‘Verify Inventory before relieving’ is enabled then ensure that all pack slips have

been verified as this is the function that relieves the inventory from the on hand totals. Utilize a

backlog report such as ‘Open Order Backlog - by Customer’ that can be found within the Sales


AR Invoices - Confirm that all customer invoices for the period have been entered and posted.

Shipments Pending Invoicing - Run the ‘Shipments Pending Invoicing at Standard Cost’

report to make sure that all items for which packing slips have been issued have been

invoiced. This report can be found in the AR Invoices Reports Menu. If the inventory

parameter called ‘Post shipments awaiting invoicing / PIT' is enabled then the balance of

this report added together with the balance from the report called ‘RMA’s Pending Credit

Memo’ should tie out to the corresponding Shipments Pending Invoicing GL account. Note

that if using the VMI module then there could be a balance left in the GL account for

consumptions not yet invoiced.

Credit Memos – Confirm that all credit memos for the period generated and posted. Refer to the

report called ‘RMA’s Pending Credit Memo.’

Cash Receipts – Confirm that all adjustments and cash receipts have been entered and posted

within the cash receipts screen.

Accounts Receivable Aging Report - Run an aging report that is located within the AR Invoices

reports menu. A report such as ‘Accounts Receivable Aging – Any Period’ should balance to the

corresponding accounts receivable GL account.

Close the AR Status - Go to G/L Chart of Accounts -> Options -> Define G/L Periods and set the

A/R Status to "Closed" so that nothing further can be posted to the period.


Production - Ensure that all production reports for the period have been entered and all

dispositions are completed.

Inventory - Enter and post any other items that may affect inventory balances. If a physical

inventory or cycle count has been performed, make sure that all adjustments to inventory balances

have been posted through Post Inventory Transactions (PIT).

Post Inventory Transactions - Post all relevant transaction types.

Run the PIT scope for the full period for each transaction type. Make note of the dates of

outstanding transactions. Then set the scope back to each day with pending transactions

and prepare the GJ entry for those entries. Post to the GL

PIT – ‘Disposition’ type - Ensure that you uncheck the option ‘Hide Unprocessed Floor

Dispositions’ to see if there are any transactions that were not associated to their

corresponding raw material consumption transactions (production report).

When using EPlant remember to log in as ‘View All’ and post InterPlant Transfers

Ensure that all GJ entries that impact the inventory GL accounts are posted. An example of

a possible pending entry is the "Account Revaluation" GJ entry that is created automatically

when recalculating and rolling standard costs.

Inventory Reports- Run the report called ‘Inventory Value At Cost By GL Account As Of By

Transaction Date’. This report can be found in the Inventory Reports Menu. Assembly (AssyX)

manufactures can also run the report called ‘Assembly Work Order WIP Analysis’ to reconcile to the


Compare Inventory Report to GL Account Balances - Compare the sub-totals on this report to

any corresponding general ledger inventory accounts. Run an updated Trial Balance report for

comparison. If your inventory account balances do not tie out to the inventory report then refer to

the section called Comparing Perpetual On Hand to the General Ledger Inventory Accounts.

Bank Reconciliation

Go to GLàBank Reconciliation and reconcile all bank accounts if the bank statement cut off is at periodend.

If the bank statement end date is not at period end then adjusting entries can still be posted if

known at this time due to online banking capabilities.


Make sure that all General Journal entries have been posted for the period. Confirm there are no pending

GJ entries including reversing and recurring journal entries.

Go to System Set-up, System Parameters, G/L Set-up, Define G/L Periods, and change G/L Status

to "CLOSED" so that nothing further can be posted to the period.

Run a final Trial Balance report and check all general ledger transactions to ensure that these have

been posted to the correct G/L accounts.


Financial statements can be run through GL – Financial Reports or though EIQ Spreadsheet Server

When running the Income Statement from within the EIQ Financial Reports Menu, in order to get

the Gross Profit calculated on the stock reports the system is looking for an ‘Account Type’ of Cost

of Goods Sold. Any subaccount types of that account type will be included in the total Cost of

Goods Sold calculation and it will be subtracted from the Revenue accounts to determine the Gross

Profit. The Cost of Goods Sold account type is not necessary when building financials from EIQ


When running the Balance Sheet from within the EIQ Financial Reports Menu the system

automatically pulls the Current Earnings from the Net Income calculated by the system.


Steps to perform prior to Period-End of the current period:

Open the next Period’s GL and Inventory

Go to G/L Chart of Accounts -> Options -> Define G/L Periods, and change the G/L, A/P, and A/R

status to "OPEN" for the subsequent period in order to allow posting to the general ledger.

Set the Inventory Status to null if it had been ‘Closed’ when first creating the fiscal year.



GL Period Status

Set the Inventory Status to ‘Closed’ when inventory transactions should no longer be posted to the period

that is being finalized.

Go to System Set-upàSystem ParametersàG/L Set-upàDefine G/L Periodsàchange INV Status to

"CLOSED" so that nothing further can be posted to the period.

When a user attempts to post an inventory transaction with a transaction date that falls within a period

with a closed inventory status the system will prevent the user from posting that transaction and will

surface a message indicating that the inventory status is closed.

This is an example of a receiving transaction with a transaction date of 10/31/14. This falls within GL

period 10 with a Start Date of 10/1/2014 and an End Date of 10/31/14.


Print the Trial Balance report for the period as a starting point or checklist for reconciling various G/L

accounts. The Trial Balance report may be printed again later after all adjustments have been entered

and the period has been closed.

Go to GLàTrial BalanceàReports menu-Print and choose the preferred trial balance report to print.


Ensure that all Accounts Payable related items for the period have been entered and posted.

Purchase Order Receipts - Verify all purchase order receiving has been done for the period. This

is helpful in the event that a receipt was missed and the Inventory Status needs to be reopened to

post the receipt. Utilize a report such as ‘PO Backlog By PO Number’ located in the Purchase


AP Invoices - Confirm that all vendor invoices for the period have been entered and posted.

Receipts Awaiting Invoicing - Run an accrued receipts report located within the AP

Invoices Reports menu that includes the purchase price.

The report called ‘Accrued Receipts As Of At Purchase Price’ will show any outstanding receipts that still

need to be invoiced based on the date entered by the user. The grand total on this report should tie out

to the Accrued Receipts GL account when using a perpetual inventory method. Review the report catalog

for the report to ensure the correct report is being run based on the invoicing and inventory parameters

enabled. For example, the ‘Accrued Receipts As Of At Purchase Price’ report can only be run if the user

creating the invoice has the invoice parameter selected called "AP. Inv. from PO: Enable selection by

receipts only.’

Security should be placed at the user level to ensure the user does not toggle the parameter off and on.

Debit Memos- Confirm that all debit memos received for the period have been generated and

posted. Returns to the vendor may have been generated through the Vendor RMA module or

through the PO Receiving module as Rejects. Vendor returns pending debit memos will be included

on the accrued receipts reports.

Cash Disbursements – Confirm that all manual checks and pending payments have been entered

and posted within the cash disbursement screen.

Accounts Payable Aging Report - Run an aging report that is located within the AP Invoices

reports menu. A report such as ‘Accounts Payable Aging – Any Period’ should balance to the

corresponding accounts payable GL account.

Close the AP Status - Go to G/L-> Chart of Accounts -> Options -> Define G/L Periods and set

the A/P Status to "Closed" so that nothing further can be posted to the period.

Accounts Receivable

Ensure that all Accounts Receivable related items for the period have been entered and posted:

Pack Slips and Pick Tickets - Verify all pick tickets and pack slips are posted for the period. This

is helpful in the event that a shipment was physically shipped but not entered into the system

which would require that the Inventory Status be reopened to post the pick ticket. If the pick ticket

parameter called ‘Verify Inventory before relieving’ is enabled then ensure that all pack slips have

been verified as this is the function that relieves the inventory from the on hand totals. Utilize a

backlog report such as ‘Open Order Backlog - by Customer’ that can be found within the Sales


AR Invoices - Confirm that all customer invoices for the period have been entered and posted.

Shipments Pending Invoicing - Run the ‘Shipments Pending Invoicing’ report to make

sure that all items for which packing slips have been issued have been invoiced. This report

can be found in the AR Invoices Reports Menu.

Credit Memos – Confirm that all credit memos for the period generated and posted. Refer to the

report called ‘RMA’s Pending Credit Memo.’

Cash Receipts – Confirm that all adjustments and cash receipts have been entered and posted

within the cash receipts screen.

Accounts Receivable Aging Report - Run an aging report that is located within the AR Invoices

reports menu. A report such as ‘Accounts Receivable Aging – Any Period’ should balance to the

corresponding accounts receivable GL account.

Close the AR Status - Go to G/L Chart of Accounts -> Options -> Define G/L Periods and set the

A/R Status to "Closed" so that nothing further can be posted to the period.


Production - Ensure that all production reports for the period have been entered and all

dispositions are completed.

Inventory - Enter and post any other items that may affect inventory balances. If a physical

inventory or cycle count has been performed, make sure that all adjustments to inventory balances

have been posted through Post Inventory Transactions (PIT).

Post Inventory Transactions - Post all relevant transaction types.

Run the PIT scope for the full period for each transaction type. Make note of the dates of

outstanding transactions. Then set the scope back to each day with pending transactions

and prepare the GJ entry for those entries. Post to the GL

PIT – ‘Disposition’ type - Ensure that you uncheck the option ‘Hide Unprocessed Floor

Dispositions’ to see if there are any transactions that were not associated to their

corresponding raw material consumption transactions (production report).

When using EPlant remember to log in as ‘View All’ and post InterPlant Transfers

Ensure that all GJ entries that impact the inventory GL accounts are posted.

Inventory Reports- Run the report called ‘Inventory Actual Costs by Location. This report can be

found in the Inventory Reports Menu. An IQAlert may be set up to run this report at period-end

during your company’s desired cut-off.

Compare Inventory Report to GL Account Balances - Compare the sub-totals on this report to

any corresponding general ledger inventory accounts. Run an updated Trial Balance report for



Go to GLàBank Reconciliation and reconcile all bank accounts if the bank statement cut off is at period- 

end. If the bank statement end date is not at period end then adjusting entries can still be posted if

known at this time due to online banking capabilities.


Make sure that all General Journal entries have been posted for the period. Confirm there are no pending

GJ entries including reversing and recurring journal entries.

Go to System Set-up, System Parameters, G/L Set-up, Define G/L Periods, and change G/L Status

to "CLOSED" so that nothing further can be posted to the period.

Run a final Trial Balance report and check all general ledger transactions to ensure that these have

been posted to the correct G/L accounts.


Financial statements can be run through GL – Financial Reports or though EIQ Spreadsheet Server

When running the Income Statement from within the EIQ Financial Reports Menu, in order to get

the Gross Profit calculated on the stock reports the system is looking for an ‘Account Type’ of Cost

of Goods Sold. Any subaccount types of that account type will be included in the total Cost of

Goods Sold calculation and it will be subtracted from the Revenue accounts to determine the Gross

Profit. The Cost of Goods Sold account type is not necessary when building financials from EIQ

Spreadsheet Server.

When running the Balance Sheet from within the EIQ Financial Reports Menu the system

automatically pulls the Current Earnings from the Net Income calculated by the system.


Standard and Actual Costing

System Parameters Associated to


Cost Elements

Assigning Cost Elements and


Standard Costing Example

Other Costing Functions

Posting Inventory Transactions at


Post Inventory Transaction Examples

for Standard Costing

Comparing Perpetual On Hand to the

General Ledger Inventory Accounts

Post Inventory Transactions at


Fiscal Year-End Closing Procedures

Introduction to Process Costing



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